Beyond the Break is an American drama series that was created by Michael D. Jacobs, David Brookwell and Sean McNamara. It aired aired on Noggin's teen programming block, The N. The series premiered on June 2, 2006, and aired its final episode on June 25, 2009.
Show Description[]
- The series focuses on four women in the sport of professional surfing. Birdie Scott, Lacey Farmer, Dawn Preston and Kai Kealoha must overcome their differences in order to capture surf stardom. David Chokachi, Baywatch star, also stars as the girls' surfing instructor. Bailey Reese and his sidekick Shoe round out the cast as two male surfers who have their eyes on Birdie and Dawn. Michael Copon has a recurring role as both Kai and Lacey's love interest.
The series stars Natalie Ramsey, Sonya Balmores, Tiffany Hines, Suzie Pollard, David Chokachi, Ross Thomas and Adam T. Brooks.
Episode List[]
Season 1[]
Premiere Date | Ep No. | Name |
June 2, 2006 | 101 | Charging It (Part 1) |
102 | Charging It (Part 2) | |
June 9, 2006 | 103 | Sleeping with the Enemy |
June 16, 2006 | 104 | The First Test |
June 23, 2006 | 105 | Wing Chicks |
June 30, 2006 | 106 | Party Wave |
July 7, 2006 | 107 | Vin, Lose or Draw |
July 14, 2006 | 108 | The Big Hit |
July 21, 2006 | 109 | No Guts, No Glory |
July 28, 2006 | 110 | Birds and the Bees |
Season 2[]
Premiere Date | Ep No. | Name |
January 5, 2007 | 201 | Oceans Eleven |
202 | The Sweaty Party | |
January 12, 2007 | 203 | What Are You Doing Here? |
January 19, 2007 | 204 | Fiji Open |
January 26, 2007 | 205 | Running Scared |
February 16, 2007 | 206 | Waving Goodbye |
February 23, 2007 | 207 | Walking the Plankton |
March 2, 2007 | 208 | Out of Sync |
March 16, 2007 | 209 | One Good Ride |
March 23, 2007 | 210 | Beyond the Break |